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Apr 30, 20242 min read
Beware Political Propaganda: the unfolding economics & health statistics are pointing to Grant Robertson never protecting "Lives and Livelihoods"
Throughout the pandemic, the new Vice-Chancellor-of-Otago-University-on-$629,000 per annum-Can-you-believe-it-and-Former-Finance-Minister...

Apr 29, 20242 min read
The Ministry of Education's Refreshed Maths Curriculum is Self-Plagiarized
The "Refreshed" NZ Maths Curriculum for NZ Schools was published by the Education Ministry in September 2023 by the Labour Government...

Apr 26, 20242 min read
NZ's Former PM, Chris Hipkins, Hit Kiwi Families with the Biggest Tax Hike in the Developed World
Whilst Australia newspapers are blaring the headline, "Australians flattened by biggest Tax Increase in World", if you look at the OECD...
Apr 24, 20242 min read
How National Can Neutralize Serious Allegations of Corruption Should the "Fast Track" Bill Become Law
Pundits from the left and the right are arguing that National's Fast Track Bill that is designed to speed up infrastructure decisions...
Apr 23, 20242 min read
On Richard Prebble and Don Brash's Bizarre Claims about the link between Trade and Military Alliances
Last week, former ACT Party leader & Labour Minister, Richard Prebble, who reads this blog, wrote an opinion piece for Main Steam Media...
Apr 22, 20241 min read
Is Air NZ telling us the full truth in its stock exchange profit announcement?
Air New Zealand has announced to the Stock Exchange that the company's expected earnings before taxation for the year have fallen $10...
Apr 20, 20242 min read
What are the Arts? Wellington's thousands of Education Ministry staffers gave your children a wrong definition.
In 2023 our Ministry of Education employed 4,311 people, up from 2,630 in 2017 when Ardern, Robertson and Hipkins first came to power....
Apr 20, 20242 min read
Have 308 people in the Education Ministry's Curriculum Development Team spent over $100 million on a 60 page paper of shallow nothingness?
In 2022, the Curriculum Centre at the Education Ministry employed 308 staff, according to an Official Information Request. This past week...
Apr 19, 20243 min read
Why is NZ Struggling? Because it has prioritized equity above all else. Take the Retirement Commission for example, why do we pay it $8 million a year to be told you're not stupid if you're a woman?
Many governments are increasing the retirement age when the pension starts due to ageing populations. As life expectancy has risen,...

Apr 17, 20242 min read
It's Official: Labour turned NZ into the Worst Performing Economy in Asia-Pacific. Does that mean the Covid Royal Commission will investigate itself?
Our former Finance Minister, Grant Robertson, was hired by Otago University to help sort out its finances. Good luck to them. Let's see...
Apr 16, 20242 min read
NZ's Media Just Got More Biased: The Stuff Monster Grows Tentacles. To all Fat Cats - you Missed the Chance to Buy Newshub for $1 & re-balance the news
The Newshub saga is still rolling on as a developing story with further announcements due. It appears that Stuff may be taking over...
Apr 15, 20243 min read
The Financial Markets Authority Board Should be Fired for Defending the Billion $ Fees of Kiwi Saver Fund Managers - when the FMA's Job is the Opposite
From 2019-23 KiwiSaver Fund Managers took $3.1 billion in fees from the accounts of savers. The new Coalition swore its primary job was...
Apr 13, 20243 min read
Buyer Beware: None of NZ's Political Parties is equipped to solve our most pressing economic issues
Here's why not a single one of our political parties is in a position to solve NZ's most pressing economic issues: 1. Labour has revealed...
Apr 12, 20242 min read
Newshub hurt our democracy - not strengthened it - contrary to TVNZ's journos telling us how to think (again).
From his personal Podium of Truth at OneNews, Jack Tame writes, "I share the view of many others that any net reduction in the total...
Apr 11, 20241 min read
How can the Christchurch Cathedral renovation x4 be equal to the cost of rebuilding Notre Dame, which is similar to the Auckland Convention Centre!?
Christchurch Cathedral was damaged by earthquake in 2011. The total rebuild cost is now estimated at $NZ 248 million - in other words...
Apr 11, 20242 min read
When will the Reserve Bank of NZ Stop Spinning and Stop Misleading Parliament and the Nation?
Yesterday the Reserve Bank kept the Official Cash Rate Unchanged. It released a statement saying, "The NZ economy continues to evolve as...
Apr 10, 20245 min read
Don't Trust the Biased AUT "Trust in the News" Survey. Why blame Winston for weakening democracy & defend RNZ manipulation of Ukrainian war "news"?
How can the Auckland University of Technology "Trust in News" report - which should be a dispassionate reporting of scientific survey...

Apr 9, 20242 min read
Ardern & Robertson's Well-Being Budgets smashed the well-being of young Kiwis and turned NZ into a happy retirement village
When NZ's Worst Finance Minister Ever, Grant Robertson, retired from politics to become Vice Chancellor of Otago University, the Spinoff...
Apr 6, 20242 min read
Can NZ's Budgetary Problems be Blamed on our Voting System, MMP?
Why is National getting so many bad headlines for its budget cuts? Part of the answer may lie in MMP. Before the election, the Nats had...
Apr 5, 20242 min read
For the record: to avoid NZ's present budget mess, Roger Douglas & I gave a solution 8 years ago. It was rejected by National & Labour. Who's crying now?
In the NZ Herald today, Matthew Hooton declares, "Why NZ is doomed to a downhill spiral from 2030 unless we get on top of debt" . He...
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