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Dec 22, 20232 min read
How the Grinches Stole Christmas: what will happen the next three years?
Grant Robertson, our worst Finance Minister ever, and Chris Hipkins, the former Labour Leader who's desperate to cling onto at least some...
Dec 21, 20232 min read
How the NZ Herald Manipulated You Again - this time about how Monetary Policy Works .. all designed to undermine the New Coalition
Let's maintain the Main Stream Media manipulation theme for a few more blogs. Why? Because its real. Yesterday the Herald ran an OpEd by...
Dec 19, 20232 min read
The RBNZ Governor is Mistaken on the Dual Mandate, resulting in Parliamentary confusion & Government embarrassment
The Reserve Bank Governor, Adrian Orr, stated earlier this year he was "engineering a recession" to get inflation down at a Parliamentary...
Dec 18, 20232 min read
How the MainStream Media (this time, the NZ Herald) Manipulated You Today
This morning the Herald ran a leading front page headline on its website, with the title "Double Standards: Taxpayer Funds Luxon's Maori...
Dec 14, 20232 min read
TVNZ's Charter says it must be impartial. Its attack on the new govt breaks that Charter.
TVNZ's Charter states that it must "provide independent, comprehensive, impartial & in-depth coverage & analysis of news & current...
Dec 14, 20232 min read
The Hipkins-Robertson Economic Horror Show rolls onwards - NZ's GDP Falls Despite Record Immigration
Today it has been announced that GDP shrank in the last quarter, in spite of record immigration, which means that for Kiwi residents, we...
Dec 14, 20232 min read
Chris Luxon: Australia has announced a plan to half immigration. Where's yours?
Australia's immigration level of around 500,000 people has blown fuses there. That level represents 1.9% of their population. Australia...
Dec 12, 20231 min read
National Begins to Dismantle the Dual Mandate
I cannot believe I'm posting a link to the "famous" song by Merle Hazard about the "dual mandate" of "price stability" and "maximum...
Dec 12, 20232 min read
The NZ Treasury has Misled the New Government & failed National Cert. of Educ. Achievement Economics
Today the new government has started the process of changing the law so the Reserve Bank's single focus will be on price stability,...
Dec 11, 20233 min read
For the record: Key's gov't (& the CEO's who supported him) are to blame for our poor infrastructure
This blog does try to be non-partisan, in the sense we critique both sides of our politics. On that note, nearly ten years ago when John...
Dec 8, 20232 min read
(Former) PM Hipkins & Finance Minister Robertson's Bollocks about NZ's Net Debt Position
Yesterday in Parliament Grant Robertson, sitting smugly like a grinning Cheshire Cat, in spite of his rejection by voters, asked National...
Dec 5, 20232 min read
Newshub and NZ Herald report Misleading Garbage about ACT's van Veldon not following Treasury advice
In their rush to discredit the new government (which our MainStream Media regard as illegitimate and having no right to enact the...
Dec 4, 20233 min read
NZ's MainStream Media is deeply manipulative. It now wants to overthrow the new gov't.
My mother used to tell me a story about how the daughter of a prominent family who owned a large media outlet had applied for journalism...
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