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Mar 28, 20242 min read
Hipkins' 2026 Election Strategy is Already Obvious - he wants NZ to fail so he can argue asset taxes are the only way out (which will make things worse).
The No-Principles Labour Party Leader, Chris Hipkins, was led by his focus groups & in-house pollsters to drop capital & asset taxes as a...
Mar 26, 20243 min read
Can TV One Sided News Stop Misleading the Public on Vital Matters of State affecting our economic futures
OneNews strikes again - breaking the law by reporting biased news when it has a statutory obligation not to do so. Time it's sold off or...
Mar 26, 20242 min read
PM Luxon & Seymour forgot their own commitment to cost-benefit analysis when talking about the SailGP-Hector Dolphin Furore
A nice feature of NZ is that, in spite of our problems, whether they be homelessness, crime, or inflation, the fate of stranded whales or...
Mar 25, 20243 min read
The Blame for NZ's Recession lies with our Prejudiced Big Media - not National - not even Labour
What's prejudice? It is an unreasonable opinion especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. We're going to make the...
Mar 24, 20242 min read
The NZ Herald Gets its Economics Wrong Again. The New Coalition is not doing Austerity - it is seeking to boost growth using supply-side economics.
We've all enough of Big Media lecturing us on how to make NZ a better place. We've found out the hard way that it rarely has a clue what...
Mar 22, 20242 min read
Let the Good Party Times Roll at the Reserve Bank of NZ - the architect of our Recession - no austerity there.
The Reserve Bank has doubled staff numbers in five years to 510, with personnel costs rising to $80 million in 2023 from $32 million in...

Mar 22, 20242 min read
What subject did former PM Jacinda Ardern major in at University? Waikato, the Beehive & Bologna University in Italy all suggest different things.
Waikato University features PM Ardern as a "success story" on its website as follows: KEY INFO Qualification(s): Bachelor of...
Mar 21, 20242 min read
The Day our Worst Finance Minister Ever Leaves Parliament, NZ falls into recession & drops out of the world's top 10 highest well-being countries.
Whilst Grant Robertson was talking himself up in Parliament about his wonderful political career and how proud he was of his...
Mar 21, 20242 min read
The IMF should apologize for its NZ Mission Chief stating our IRD supports Capital & Land Taxes (when it doesn't)
In order to achieve maximum embarrassment to the government, our bankrupting One (Sided) News channel splashed on TV screens its headline...
Mar 17, 20241 min read
In Wellington's crazy world of wastage, no money could be found to do up Government House, right? Wrong.
The derelict state of the Prime Minister's Official Residence on Tinakori Road in Wellington has been blamed on conservative government...
Mar 13, 20242 min read
Is the National-ACT-NZ First Coalition Irrelevant? Has a "Deep State" been created in NZ?
What is the definition of the "deep state"? Wikipedia says it "is a type of governance made up of potentially secret & unauthorized...

Mar 13, 20242 min read
Wayne Brown is an exceptionally capable Mayor: don't buy Paula Bennett's vacuous politicking.
Former Deputy PM Paula Bennett wrote a NZ Herald article attacking Mayor Wayne Brown. It may have misled readers who thought it was...
Mar 10, 20243 min read
No-one has done more than NZ's Mainstream Journalists to pervert our Democracy and Betray the Public Trust these Past Five Years
Our bankrupting Big Media outlets are in overdrive distorting the truth as to the reasons for their failure. Their B-list "celebrities"...
Mar 7, 20242 min read
ACT is out-of-order calling for the resignation of Johanna Kidman yet staying silent on Robertson's appointment as VC of Otago Uni
Although I wrote a paper with the founder of ACT, Sir Roger Douglas, about how to reform our welfare state & respect the economic aims he...
Mar 6, 20242 min read
I would've failed Grant Robertson's BA (Hons) thesis. Why? It has no thesis & is just a summary of his political hobby-horse during his student days
Over the years as a working academic, you grade many assignments, dissertations, theses, you name it. On that note, I have just looked...
Mar 5, 20242 min read
An NZ Labour Party Champagne Socialist News Update
Do Labour & Green politicians care about the poor, homeless & dispossessed in NZ more than National & ACT politicians? If they did,...
Mar 4, 20242 min read
Lets' even the tables - did Brash, du Plessis-Allan & right-wing media folks unfairly put a race slant on the true reason behind the real estate Māori values course?
This Blog doesn't aim to be a partisan vehicle that relentlessly defends one side of the political spectrum. Its' more an economics blog...
Mar 1, 20242 min read
Jack Tame Writes Non-Objective Nonsense about the demise of Newshub. Is it because he doesn't want to fall foul of his industry mates?
Jack Tame has written an article for State-owned broadcaster, OneNews, about the fall of Newshub. The article is not objective. It...
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