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Feb 29, 20242 min read
Economics 101 explains why Newshub Bankrupted - it was the fault of its own journalists who should recognize they were the architects of their own demise
A thousand books and papers in economics and business strategy are about the topic of product differentiation - ensuring that what you...
Feb 28, 20242 min read
Is Newshub asking the same people its platform called bullshit liars for a bailout? How the wheel turns.
Any news outlet that does the following sort of reporting on its "Nation" show can only expect that it will be shut-down one day - no...
Feb 28, 20242 min read
The RBNZ just went & broke National, ACT & NZ First's new law requiring it to focus only on cutting inflation
This blog isn't about whether you agree or not with the RBNZ's decision to keep the Official Cash Rate (OCR) at the same level today -...

Feb 28, 20242 min read
Holy Crackers: the Chair of the NZ Covid-19 Royal Commission of Inquiry is "Professor of Elimination" Michael Baker's coauthor - let's boycott it.
The more we find out about the Jacinda Ardern-Grant Robertson-Chris Hipkins government, the more shocking it becomes. Aside from them...
Feb 27, 20242 min read
Can Polls Drive Election Results under MMP? Short answer: Yes, they can
The Centre for Mathematical Social Sciences at Auckland University held a conference last year that I attended. Part of the discussion...

Feb 26, 20243 min read
Former PM Hipkins & Profs Bloomfield & Baker should be held accountable for quoting statistics that have now been shown to be wrongly estimated
Why are we still talking about Covid when many countries - like the US - have moved on? Well the US economy is currently booming and ours...
Feb 23, 20242 min read
Former PM Ardern Credits Robertson with "establishing the well-being framework". Not true. It was not established by her gov't.
When Grant Robertson announced his resignation from Parliament, Jacinda Ardern put on Instagram that one of his great achievements was...
Feb 22, 20242 min read
Its the World Wrestling Federation. Two Big Monopolies Slug it Out: Auckland Airport versus Air NZ.
Air NZ is complaining that Auckland Airport is a monopoly - passing on capital expenditure charges arising from its airport...
Feb 22, 20242 min read
Otago University's Unusual 'Global' VC Job Search
So here's the puzzle. On 14 June 2023, Otago University announced that Professor David Murdoch had resigned as Vice-Chancellor (VC),...
Feb 21, 20242 min read
It's Mates Rates: Keeping our Education System in the Labour Party Extended Families Association. Your children will be the poorer for it.
Our Worst Finance Minister Ever Grant Robertson (the one who created the cost-of-living crisis) wrote on his Facebook Page that "Chippy...
Feb 20, 20242 min read
Vice Chancellor Grant Robertson? He's not Qualified & Does not Deserve the Job. What an Awful Message to Send Kiwi Students: NZ is not a Meritocracy.
Big Media are reporting that their mate, former Finance Minister Grant Robertson "will retire from Parliament next month as he becomes...
Feb 20, 20243 min read
Getting NZ back to where it belongs can't be done by running a John Key-style National Party. Can Luxon do it?
This blog long predicted that when Chris Luxon gained power there was a high likelihood of him simply copying the approach that John Key...
Feb 19, 20242 min read
Ardern in the USA: Harvard's Kennedy School should be using her as a Case Study of the Dangers of Charisma
Having left Kiwis the legacy of a cost-of-living crisis, falling education standards for our poorest children & racial division, former...
Feb 15, 20242 min read
The Old Guard of Helen Clark and Don Brash are Out of Touch: Time to Hand the Torch to a New Generation
In a bizarre jointly written Opinion Piece, former Labour PM Helen Clark and Leader of the National Party Don Brash have written an...
Feb 15, 20242 min read
Fletcher Building: where are the engineers on its board & executive team? Its a civil engineering company, after all.
Being a building company, you would think that the Board and Executive team on Fletcher Building was packed full of civil engineers....
Feb 14, 20241 min read
A Waikato Medical School is a Good Idea - Smash Auckland and Otago Universities Medical School Duopoly and graduate more doctors
I may not be a great fan of Neil Quigley, the Chair of the Reserve Bank, since he's presided over the decline in reputation and status...
Feb 14, 20242 min read
Fletcher Building: is it the only Private Monopoly in the World that can't make a buck? It is time to break up NZ's most useless company.
Gosh, the CEO of Fletcher Building, Ross Taylor, says today's announcement of a half-year loss of $120 million for the company is...
Feb 8, 20243 min read
Aotearoa vs NZ: are Functional Overlapping Competing Jurisdictions the way to go?
Our country may be descending into the abyss of Aotearoa versus NZ. Interpreting the Treaty in one's own preferred way has become...
Feb 5, 20242 min read
Is there an Objective Truth about what happened at Waitangi in 1840?
Leading up to Waitangi Day, commentators are all over the Main Stream Media frantically telling us the "truth" about the events...
Feb 5, 20242 min read
Beware National: Living Standards are stagnating. Fix the economy - or else.
Infometrics is forecasting that over the next two years, 2024 and 2025, total GDP will grow at around 2% per annum. Nearly that entire...
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