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Don't say that "nothing in this life is free" or you risk being fired from your job, courtesy of our politicized judiciary

Former Wairarapa District Health Board employee, Amanda Turner, may need to pay $20,000 to the NZ Health Authority after unsuccessfully challenging her dismissal in the Employment Court. She was fired in 2021 after “posting anti-vaccine information on Facebook”. The media report (below) that "the court judgement said the posts had caused staff at the aged residential care facility [where she worked] to question whether they should be vaccinated against Covid-19 .. The posts were not considered or balanced discussions but involved memes & strongly worded statements or allegations against individuals & groups”. For example, “Turner attaches a post from the Government’s Unite Against COVID-19 page and writes: “The injection is not “free” the taxpayers of NZ ARE paying for it! I’m glad the word voluntary is used, so we can decline the injection.”

Gosh, to save me from being fired, DownToEarthKiwi better not quote Milton Friedman that "there is no such thing as a free lunch", as well as former Finance Minister Roger Douglas who keeps reminding me that when politicians say something is "free" they're not telling the truth. In the case of Covid, we're paying for it now with the cost-of-living crisis, much of which was caused by excessive public spending & borrowing, as well as money printing. Ms Turner spoke the truth on that one. But it didn't stop her from being fired and didn't stop our judiciary from siding with "Unite Against COVID", which was a political campaign.


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