The evidence is out. Stats NZ today released survey data measuring Trust in NZ's key institutions. The previous Labour government ended its time in office in 2023 achieving all-time record lows for trust in our education system, parliament, health-care system, our courts, police and media. These numbers are beyond embarrassing for Labour since in 2018, when former PM Jacinda Ardern had just come to power after nine years of the Key-led National Party government, many of those numbers were at all-time highs. For a Labour government to collapse faith in practically all of our country's social welfare and education services is beyond belief.
How did Ardern and Chris Hipkins pull off this feat? Its easy to explain. On the police, they turned them into the bad guys and criminals into the good guys. On Parliament, Hipkins doesn't even believe it has sovereign powers - so the Labour Leader doesn't trust Parliament himself. On the media, it got into bed with Ardern & Hipkins and became their instrument of propaganda during Covid and beyond, to the extent no-one trusts the Main Stream Media anymore. As for health-care, they bust the NZ health system by underfunding it in the middle of the biggest health-crisis the country has ever seen, being the pandemic, blew out its bureaucracy and embarked on the failed NZ Health centralization reform. As for the courts, Labour appointed judges not on the basis of meritocracy, but on their political beliefs, to the extent few people believe we have an independent judiciary anymore. On education, they dumped so much politics into the curriculum, that its hard for school children to graduate these days without having been brain-washed into believing the only parties that can save NZ, and the planet, are Labour & Greens. Yes, the explanations for Kiwis' busted trust in "the system" are easy.