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ACT Promotes a Down To Earth Policy

Back in April of this year, we predicted on this Blog that vaccine hesitancy may become a significant issue for NZ in the ensuing months. So my colleague here at Down To Earth, Brogan Powlesland, suggested a policy to help overcome this problem. In a post called "Cash for Vaccines", Brogan suggested the following, "Offer every adult $250 to take both vaccines. At a total cost of around $1bn, it may be the most cost-effective way of avoiding lockdowns, which have come at far greater cost to the country" (See below).

So today we're humbled to read the following, which is Newshub's headline:

11:15am - ACT is proposing a new incentive policy, 'Vax Bucks', that would allow fully vaccinated New Zealanders to receive a $250 tax credit, party leader David Seymour announced on Monday.

Better late than never.


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